Nurse Gives Conscience Debate a Shot in the Arm

Nurse Gives Conscience Debate a Shot in the Arm

For a glimpse of what the future holds without conscience protections, look no further than Manhattan’s Mount Sinai Hospital. Five years ago, when Catherina Lorena Cenzon-DeCarlo was hired as a nurse, she specifically told her superiors that she refused to participate in abortions because they violate her religious beliefs.

Two months ago, Cenzon-DeCarlo was called to assist on a “D&C,” a procedure that removes the remains of a miscarriage from the womb. When she reported to the operating room, she learned that hospital officials had assigned her to assist in aborting a living 22-week-old unborn child. According to the doctor in charge, the mother had preeclampsia, a risky–but treatable–condition. Rather than proceed with a magnesium therapy known to help the condition, the doctor declared the woman’s life at risk and proceeded with an abortion. Catherina said she was not permitted to get a substitute for the procedure and was forced to participate “under protest” in a procedure that needlessly ended the baby’s life.

Outraged, Cenzon-DeCarlo filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court the violation of her conscience rights. While the case is underway, it does paint a grim picture of what’s in store for America’s health care workers if the President refuses to include common-sense exemptions for health care workers in his plan. In the debate over conscience protections, some liberals have pushed for a loophole to cover “emergencies.” If they succeed, a doctor’s word would take precedence over the moral convictions of someone like Catherina. Much like the “health exceptions” in abortion law, what constitutes an “emergency” would be entirely subjective. This is a dangerous loophole that, if misapplied, could be used to force the participation of health care workers in a wide range of procedures that they find objectionable.

Additional Resources Washington Times: N.Y. nurse sues after forced to aid abortion

Blue Dogs See Red over Abortion

Blue Dogs See Red over Abortion

The Democrats who had hoped for a relaxing August away from Washington are in for a rocky road home after last night’s news that abortion coverage has been explicitly included in the House bill. FRC staffers were in the room when Rep. Lois Capps (D-Calif.) introduced an amendment in committee that mandated taxpayer-funded abortion as part of the overhaul. The measure, which was debated during the Energy and Commerce mark-up, passed 30-28. Not only does the Capps amendment ensure that abortion will be covered, but it also requires that an abortion plan be made available in every U.S. region!

FRC has warned for months that taxpayers would be forced into the abortion business as part of health care “reform,” and Planned Parenthood called us liars. MSNBC, NARAL, Daily Kos, and the “religious left” have all accused FRC of misleading the public about the existence of an abortion mandate. Now there’s further proof. Of course, we didn’t need the Capps amendment to verify that abortion would be included in the final package. All voters needed to know is that Congress has had the opportunity to ban abortion coverage outright, and it didn’t. Multiple amendments have now been offered by pro-life members to specifically prohibit taxpayer-funded abortion as part of these bills. And every single one–including last night’s from Reps. Bart Stupak and Joe Pitts–failed. Led by Stupak, six Democrats on the Energy and Commerce Committee joined with the Republicans to keep this radical expansion of government-sponsored abortion out of the House bill. Today, pro-life Democrats pushed back with another amendment that would have nullified the Capps amendment and protected taxpayers from subsidizing abortion. Unfortunately, it also lost.

While Stupak tries to block abortion coverage, conservative Democrats are working around the clock on a deal with their liberal members to trim costs and eliminate the government’s heavy hand in the system. Despite all the time spent ironing out the Democrats’ differences, it seems that this “compromise” is nothing but political theater. According to the liberal leadership, most of the changes made by conservative Democrats could be stripped from the bill when it leaves committee. Minority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) told ABC News yesterday that “he could not guarantee that the concessions negotiated into the bill by conservative ‘Blue Dog’ Democrats would survive in a final product.” The leadership is making a mockery of conservative Democrats–a decision sure to haunt the Speaker if the Blue Dogs retaliate by pulling their support.

Additional Resources Watch FRC Action’s Health Care Ad

New York State Senate Called Back for Special Session!

New York State Senate Called Back for Special Session!
Please Contact Your State Senator!
At the urging of Senate Democratic leadership, the New York State Senate will return to Albany for a one-day session on Thursday, August 6.

While Senators are expected to take up the controversial issue of control over the New York City schools, there is the potential for other pending legislation to be acted upon as long as they are in session.

Contact your State Senator and ask him or her to oppose the following list of anti-gun bills should any come up for consideration while the Senators are in Albany.

Senate Bill 4397A and Senate Bill 6005, both micro-stamping bills, would ban the sale of all semi-automatic handguns not equipped with micro-stamping technology.

Senate Bill 4753 would prohibit the possession of concealed firearms in any park or recreational area.

Senate Bill 1598 would require five-year renewals on pistol licenses.

Senate Bill 1715 would impose new restrictions on licensed dealers and require retailers to obtain liability insurance against the possibility of a crime being committed with a firearm any time after it is legally sold.

Senate Bill 5228 would outlaw handguns ”capable” of being fired by anyone five years of age or younger, this legislation would outlaw virtually all handguns in New York.

Senate Bill 2379 would ban frangible ammunition.

Senate Bill 5489 would institute a training requirement for issuance of a pistol license.

Senate Bill 4752 would outlaw .50 caliber firearms.

Senate Bill 3098 would require the mandatory storage of firearms.

Contact information for your State Senator can be found by clicking here.

Co-ops = Public Option = Single Payer

Co-ops = Public Option = Single Payer

Knowing that Americans would reject the idea of a “single payer” government health care system, Democrats began calling their plan a “public option.” Now that Americans have rejected that idea too, Democrats are peddling another proposal called health care “cooperatives.”

Unfortunately, these federally-backed co-ops are nothing more than a public option by another name. Washington will set up and subsidize them so private health plans are squeezed out of the marketplace. Then, like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the costs will catch up with these government-sponsored entities and Congress will tell us they are “too big to fail” and must be nationalized.

Some Democrats are willing to admit that co-ops are the same as a public option. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said earlier this month that, “We’re going to have some type of public option, call it ‘co-op,’ call it what you want.”

Some Democrats are also willing to admit that the public option is the same as a single payer system. Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) said this week that, “I think if we get a good public option it could lead to single payer, and that’s the best way to reach single payer.”

It’s becoming clear that no matter what name Democrats put on it, all of their ideas lead to a government takeover of our health care.

Join the Recess Rally

At noon on Saturday, August 22, 2009, citizen rallies will take place outside congressional offices across the country. If you would like to participate, click here to find your Congressman’s local office and get more information.

The latest government bailout

This week, the Senate moved beyond bailing out industries that it has driven into the ground to bailing out its own programs that it has failed to manage.

Proving once again that the federal government is incapable of managing the federal highway system, the Senate passed $7 billion to shore up the failing program. The bill also provides $7.5 billion to bail out the failing unemployment insurance program and $185 billion to bail out several government-managed home-ownership programs.

Only 17 Republicans had the courage to vote against this rip-off. Click here to see how your Senators voted.Question: If the government cannot manage these programs, what makes anyone think it can manage our health care?

US extends Syria sanctions by 1 year

White House: Penalties to target “certain persons” who continually try to destabilize Lebanon.
View article…

Iran: West to blame for protester deaths

Mottaki: “Interventionist” nations were accomplices in “all the committed crimes and murders.”
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Obama Appoints 2 Devout Muslims

Obama Appoints 2 Devout Muslims To Homeland Security Posts

Secretary Janet Napolitano: “Today, I am proud to make two key personnel announcements for the U.S.. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) President Obama’s intent to nominate David Heyman as Assistant Secretary for Policy and my appointment of Arif Alikhan as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development.. Arif comes from Los Angeles Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa’s office, where he served as Deputy Mayor for Homeland Security and Public Safety. As a key adviser to the Mayor, he has led the City’s efforts to develop homeland security, emergency management and law enforcement initiatives, including operational oversight of Los Angeles Police, Fire and Emergency Management departments.”

The Islamic loving Obama has appointed Arif Alikhan a devout Sunni Muslim to assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Alikhan was instrumental in taking down the LA Police Department’s plan to monitor it’s Muslim community.


Congress Trying to Save ‘Cash for Clunkers’ Sales

Congress Trying to Save ‘Cash for Clunkers’ Sales
Government’s Cash-for-Clunkers Program Crashes Just Days After Starting
Bad Bridges Are Not Getting Stimulus Money; Good Bridges Are More ‘Shovel Ready’
House Panel Prepares to Complete Work on Health Care Bill
Claims for Disability Benefits Surging; Driven by Recession, Aging Baby Boomers
White House Puts Best Possible Spin on ‘Beer Summit’
U.S. General May Ask for More Troops for Afghan War
RU486 Abortion Drug to Be Allowed in Italy
United Nations Says Civilian Deaths Up 24 Percent in Afghanistan
United Nations Program to Reduce Deaths of Children Didn’t Work
Disappointed Immigration Activists Press for Reform
Government Report Shows Recession Easing; GDP Dip Was Smaller Than Expected
Cuba Suspends Plans for Communist Party Congress

Vietnamese Democracy Advocates Look for Congressional Support

Vietnamese Democracy Advocates Look for Congressional Support( – Vietnamese-American activists and members of Congress Thursday issued fresh calls for U.S. lawmakers to support legislation promoting human rights and democracy in the communist-ruled nation. Critics say significantly improved ties with the U.S. have done little to improve Hanoi’s treatment of its citizens.

Iraqis Subdue Iranian Dissidents, As U.S. ‘Monitors’ the Situation

Iraqis Subdue Iranian Dissidents, As U.S. ‘Monitors’ the Situation( – After three days of clashes and at least six deaths, Iraqi forces have gained control of an encampment of exiled Iranians whose continued presence inside Iraq has long been a sore point for Tehran. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s government waited to move against the camp until U.S. combat forces completed their withdrawal from Iraqi urban areas.